One-Hand Sword Warrior

Warriors who use a one-handed sword and shield boast the greatest defense power of all classes. This class has skills to instantly close the distance, and can threaten the enemy to attack only them. Because they have lower damage than others, grouping up with high damage classes is the perfect combination. Because of these unique abilities, it is designed to lead a party as the tank.


This class will progress through the following jobs:

One-Hand Sword Warrior
Job Title Lv
1st Job Swordsman 10
2nd Job Guard 30
3nd Job Knight 50
4nd Job Templar 70


1st Job: Swordsman

Swordsman Skills
Icon Name Type Level Description Skill Lv.
Jump Slash Attack 10 Jump up and slash the enemy twice, stunning them temporarily by chance. 7
Deep Pierce Attack 10 Pierce a deep wound in the enemy, infecting them temporarily by chance. 7
Fatal Blow Attack 15 Hit the enemy with a strong blow. 7
Splinter Active 10 Cause your normal attacks to splinter from your target to surrounding enemies by chance. 7
Provoke Active 20 Provoke the enemy in to a fury, forcing them to fight against you by chance. 1
Charge Active 15 Charge quickly at the enemy, stunning them temporarily by chance. 3
Defense Training Passive 15 Increases your Defense while using a one-hand sword. 5
Increase Strength Passive 10 Increases your Strength stat. 7
Increase Dexterity Passive 10 Increases your Dexterity stat. 7
Increase Intellect Passive 10 Increases your Intellect stat. 7

2nd Job: Guard

Guard Skills
Icon Name Type Level Description Skill Lv.
Repeated Hit Attack 30 Hit the enemy twice, reducing their healing temporarily by chance. 7
Strike Down Attack 30 Strike your target and the surrounding enemies, stunning them temporarily by chance. 7
One-Hand Sword Training Passive 30 Increases your attack while using a one-hand sword. 5
Mass Provoke Attack 35 Provoke all enemies around you, forcing them to fight against you by chance. 1
Art of Strength Attack 35 Pump up your muscles, increasing your Strength. Stats which are increased by items or other skills are not included. 5
Heavy Crasher Attack 35 The next attack skill will crash down heavily on the enemy, inflicting 30% more damage and causing the enemy to bleed temporarily. 1
Bloody Trap Attack 40 Set a trap that causes trapped enemies to bleed by chance. The trap will be deactivated when you move. 5
Endurance Attack 35 Gain the power to endure pain, increasing your Max HP. 3
Shield Training Passive 40 Reduces damage received while using a shield. 5
Life's Rest Passive 30 Recovers your HP while in battle. 5
Threat Passive 35 Increases your threat with enemies while attacking with a one-hand sword. 2
Increase Stamina Passive 30 Increases your Stamina stat. 7
Increase Dexterity Passive 30 Increases your Spirit stat. 7
Increase Intellect Passive 30 Increases your Luck stat. 7

3rd Job: Guard

Guard Skills
Icon Name Type Level Description Skill Lv.
Roar of Vitality Attack 50 Roar loudly to motivate yourself, increasing your HP. Stats which are increased by items or other skills are not included. 5
Cross-Cut Attack 50 Cuts the enemy twice, putting them in a state of fear temporarily. 7
Starlight Slash Attack 50 Attacks the enemy from all sides, hitting 4 times. 7
Skin of Steel Active 50 Condition your skin to be as hard as steel, increasing your Defense. 5
Unbreakable Shield Active 50 Concentrate on your shield, increasing the chance of blocking attacks. 5
Furious Charge Active 30 Charge aggressively at the enemy, stunning them temporarily. 1
Master of Survival Active 60 Instantly convert 100% of the received damage into HP, rendering you immune to physical harm. 1
Return Damage Passive 60 Return a portion of the damage back to the enemy at by chance while Skin of Steel is activated. 3
Prayer of Fortune Active 50 Pray to your star to receive a blessing, increasing your Luck. Stats which are increased by items or other skills are not included. 5
Increase Evasion Passive 50 Increases your Evasion. 5
Increase Critical Rate Passive 50 Increases your Critical Rate. 5

4th Job: Templar

Templar Skills
Icon Name Type Level Description Skill Lv.
Spinning Slash Attack 70 Slash the enemies around you, reducing their attack speed temporarily. 7
Maul Attack 75 Maul the enemy, causing them to bleed temporarily. 7
Controlled Breath Attack 70 Breathe calmly to reduce skill cooldown time. 1
Focus Attack 70 Visualize your enemy, increasing the Critical Rate of normal and skill attacks. 5
Parry Attack 75 Step to the side, reducing the damage received by you or a party member one time. 3
King's Rage Attack 75 Go into a rage, returning a portion of the received damage and stunning the enemy temporarily. 5
Increase Movement Speed Passive 70 Increases your Movement Speed. 5
Increase Skill Casting Speed Passive 70 Increases your Skill Casting Speed. 5