Your letting asda die... more

As we all know asda global is kinda dead atm. From starting off you cant party with anyone cause no one is playing from levels 10 - 70. Dungeons are basically usless then and war? if I go im the only one there from low mid and high!They should really try advertise to get asda out there again, I came back cause of nostogia and im sure a lot more will if you to revert a lot of things back to the way asda2 was... we can all hope

If they brought back a lot of Asda Story the original one things would be better x)

They're not responding. We all look like idiots

honestly i really enjoyed playing asda in general ( asda story , asda2 , asda global )

but having more people playing with you make it more fun 

so now it's really boring and last time i played it was one year ago 

and i came here with curiosity if this game is still alive 

i guess no xD