Dear Asda Global Management Team,

I am writing to you in order to express my displeasure about the latest maintenance in Asda Global

that occurred at 13/04/2020. I have been playing Asda Global for several years and I have also played Asda 2 and Asda Story.

There are many issues such as countless glitches with items places, that my fellow players have already informed you about in countless messages.

The main point of my complaint is that with the latest maintenance you changed one glitch that was in favor of player the distance party experience that was there since forever. With this many players are going to leave the game and many more that are playing again Asda Global or starting to play now due to lockdown are also considering to.

There is also the topic of the adamantium powder that was given to the players in return or newbie daily attendance pack. We all know that you want to make profit from the game but consider also that many players are thinking of quitting the game, the same players that are buying cc currency with money to buy things from the premium items in order to be playing in a fairly good level .

Please consider the above and my fellow teammates' complaints and try to change the game for the better by correcting major glitches and please return to the players the party distance exp feature, 

Yours sincerely, 
