Greetings, ASDA players.

We are preparing the Event for upcoming Valentine Day.

Please check the details below!


[Event 01] Valentine Love Booster !

- Event period: After the Maintenance on Feb 4 - Before the Maintenance on Mar 3 (GMT+9)

■ How to participate in the event?

- Gather the Event item via various routes and take some reward items.

- When you are hunting, you can obtain the "Heart Piece (L)" and Heart Token by chance.

When you are digging, you can obtain the "Heart Piece (O)" and Heart Token by chance.

When you are fishing, you can obtain the "Heart Piece (V)" and Heart Token by chance.

When you are connecting on time, you can obtain the 5 "Heart Piece (E)" via mailbox.

If you gather and double-click the 10 pieces of each letter "L, O, V, E", you can obtain the Love Booster.

Event items:

합치기 설명.png

Event Booster items:


[Event 02] Valentine Event Shop

- Event period: After the Maintenance on Feb 4 - Before the Maintenance on Mar 3 (GMT+9)

NPC 'LaLa' will give you some rewards in exchange Heart Token


Empty Chocolate Box and Bugluv are pet items. 

[Event 03] Valentine Buff Event

- Event period: After the Maintenance on Feb 4 - Before the Maintenance on Mar 3 (GMT+9)

- You can get the EXP buff Every day in event period! Please check the detailed time below.

[Servertime Standard]

Every Day: 03:00 ~ 04:00 / Double EXP!

[Event 04] Valentine Gacha Shop Event

- Event period: After the Maintenance on Feb 4 - Before the Maintenance on Mar 3 (GMT+9)

■ Gacha Item Update 

- The Legendary Albus Avatars are added to Premium Gacha. (5 Armor Avatars and 2 Accessory Avatars)

※ The Rate to obtain the high-grade items in Premium Gacha is increased during the period.


- The Valentine Event Avatars are added to Avatar Gacha.

※ The Valentine Event Avatars are removed from Avatar Gacha when event is closed.


[Event 05] Gem Consumption Event (Extended!)

- Event period: After the Maintenance on Jan 14 - Before the Maintenance on Mar 3 (GMT+9)

- Don't miss the chance to get LG Avatar!

1. If you consume more than 4 gems daily for 15 days, you can get Adamantium Powder(490)!

The 15-day counter won't be reset if you skip some days during the event period.


2. If you consume more than 8 gems daily for 7 consecutive days, you can get Adamantium Powder(750)!
The 7-day counter will be reset if you do not consume 8 gems for 7 days in a row.


3. If you consume 40 gems in event period, you can get [E] Gem Event Package1!


4. If you consume 80 gems in event period, you can get [E] Gem Event Package2!


5. If you consume 160 gems in event period, you can get [E] Gem Event Package3!


6. If you consume 320 gems in event period, you can get [E] LG Undine Avater Booster!


The appearance of avatar is below.


※ The amount of Gem consumption is accumulated in each account. 

※ Some event items will be deleted when the event is closed. Please check the list below.

- All Heart Pieces and Heart Tokens

※ Event contents are subject to change.

Thank you.

~AG team