
We would lke to inform you that we are updating our Privacy Policy.
Here's a brief overview of our updated privacy policy.

We have always kept strict confidentiality of user data, and convinced that user privacy
is our top priority. We very much agree with the GDPR approach.
 In this regard, we updated policy privacy in a more detailed description.

If you want to read our full policy, Check it out <Here>.

Here’s a brief summary of upcoming updates:

More control over your information.
We are making it easier and more flexible for you to control the information you provide us.
Our new policy explains that you have control over your personal information and how it is collected,
used, and shared.

15. GDPR.
  General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) enters into force in the EU. 
The GDPR aims primarily to give individuals control over their personal data and simplify the regulatory environment for businesses by unifying the laws within the EU. When the GDPR takes effect, it is directly binding and applicable in all EU countries. 

    The GDPR affects all EU customers, as well as companies located in the EU. As Masangsoft has members who are located in the EU, we want to make sure that it provides all players with the rights that the GDPR introduces, e.g., we will inform you about how we are using your data in detail in our new version of the Privacy Policy, we will provide you with the copy of your personal data or delete your account
(together with the personal data about you) upon your request.

   If you are playing from outside of the EU, then besides the GDPR, we also respect the rights granted to you with regard to your personal data under the applicable laws. At the same time, we also provide you with the rights that the GDPR stipulates. It is your choice to which extent you want to exercise them, and the rights do not create any additional obligations for you.   

    Also, you will be able to object to the processing of your personal data. You will be able to express
your objections by submitting a ticket <Here>
and we will pass it to the competent department for proper reaction.

  An updated version of Privacy Policy takes effect on May 25, 2018. 

If you have questions or concerns about Masangsoft or our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.